Differences in Platelets Donor platelets have the same HLA antigens as the white blood cells , plus they have antigens unique to platelets. If you have to have repeated platelet transfusions, your immune system may form antibodies that will attack and destroy the donor platelets, making the platelet transfusions useless. These antibodies can also cause chills and fever when they react with donor platelets.
Differences in the Plasma Reactions to donor plasma in the form of hives happen in up to 5 percent of patients. Hives can sometimes be severe to the point of generalized swelling and, in rare cases, the reaction can result in a life-threatening obstruction to breathing. Allergic reactions to plasma can usually be simply treated or prevented with antihistamines. And if you do have a severe reaction, future transfusions can be given without causing a reaction by washing the blood cells with salt solution to remove the plasma.